Affirmation for strength:

God cannot fail, so I cannot fail. “The warrior within me” has already won.

Image: David DeHetre [Affirmation by KNOWOL – CC BY 2.0]

The Source of All Love

If there is the light of love in us, it is a ray from the full sun of God’s love.

The Delicate Balance of Intellect and Character

Explore the crucial interplay between intellect and character in shaping our lives and society. Discover how cultivating both can lead to personal growth and positive change.

Get out and do something. Work, sweat, hike, push yourself…

“Get out and do something – work, sweat, hike, push yourself – starve if need be – but dig on and deliver. Then talk if you want to, but the chances are you won’t feel so much like it.”

Keep an Open Mind

Wherever you are situated, there is wisdom ready to disclose herself to you.

Dishonesty Conceals, Honesty Reveals

Dishonest men conceal their faults from themselves and others: honest men confess

No life is worth leading if it is always an easy life

Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…