A Great Book is a Great Evil

This saying was common among the Grecians, and is true to a certain degree, in all ages of the world since the publication of books; especially of the present, which is an age characterized for the multiplicity of its book, and the sheer volume of information rather than the amount of knowledge contained in them.

The mind is so constituted that it cannot, either with profit or pleasure, dwell a long time upon one subject. It naturally seeks with eagerness something new. Hence, if we read or peruse a large volume, we soon become tired and bored at its contents, and soon throw it aside before it is finished, without having understood the purpose of the writer. Among all the long books we can find, there are few, if any, where the same idea could not be expressed in a shorter and more concise manner.

The last reason, and by no means the least important, is that time is too precious to be wasted; especially in the present age, where so many new subjects and ideas are presented that claim our attention, and overly long books distracts us from other great texts.

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work…

We find success by adding value to the lives of others. Think of how you can do that, and do it.

Beautiful old map of Amherst, Massachusetts in 1886

Click here to see a bird’s eye view of Amherst, Massachusetts in 1886.

Thomas Edison explains why many men never amount to anything

Thomas A. Edison, the great inventor, answered this question in an interview…

The Power of Words

Words are more powerful and more far-reaching in their influence than we…

Beautifully restored map of Natick, Massachusetts from 1877

Detailed bird’s eye view of Natick, Massachusetts in 1877

Walt Disney Showing a Picture of Mickey Mouse to a Cat

This picture was taken in 1931. The idea for Mickey Mouse had been conceived three years earlier by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. Disney got the inspiration for Mickey Mouse from a tame mouse that would visit him at his desk at Laugh-O-Gram Studio in Kansas City,...

Vintage bird’s eye view art print of Sydney, Australia from 1888

Historic bird’s eye view of Sydney, Australia from 1888

Beautifully restored map of Watertown, MA from 1930

This amazing map of Watertown, Massachusetts was created to celebrate the town’s 300th anniversary in 1930.